Social Responsibility and Policies

Our Environmental and Sustainability, Quality and Health and Safety Policies are vital to our project success criteria.


Environmental and Sustainability Policy

Sustainable development and the environment in which people live and work, has a key influence on human health and well being. In order to achieve wider benefits to all concerned, and in developing new premises, we promote positive interaction and look to use new, modern, sustainable methods and designs, which address issues that affect the environmental, such as, energy conservation, carbon emissions, recycling and disposing. We have made that commitment.

It is our aim to improve environmental performance whereby operations and activities are implemented and managed in an energy and resource-efficient manner, in order to reduce detrimental impacts on the environment as a result of developing buildings and ensuring occupiers are also aware of their obligations.

Our policy is to:

  • Comply with all relevant legislation both in our work place and in respect of the design and construction of buildings
  • Seek continual improvement in our environmental performance
  • Contribute to economic, environmental and social sustainability both in the short and long term

This will be achieved by:

  • Employing professionals and main contractors who seek to achieve similar goals and have experience in the relevant fields and work to a Environmental Management Standard aligned with ISO 14001 and BRE Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM)
  • Collectively agree objectives and targets to minimise the environmental impacts
  • Using products and processes that assist in reducing the environmental life cycle impacts brought about by our collective activities
  • Communicate, consult and collaborate with all parties involved in the design development process to realise the sustainability objectives set out in BREEAM document


Quality Policy

It is our aim to improve both of our service and the end building product on a continual basis.

Our policy is to:

  • Maintain a Quality Management System
  • Comply with all relevant legislation
  • Provide an authoritive service and produce a final product that satisfies our clients' requirements
  • Seek continual improvement in the effectiveness of our Quality Management Systems (QMS) and in the provision of our service and product

This will be achieved by:

  • Establishing, implementing and maintaining a Quality Management System aligned with BS ISO 9001:2000
  • Setting benchmarks and reviewing these both in respect of quality and performance
  • Ensuring the system is fully resourced and that clear roles, responsibilities are established and communicated within the team
  • Reviewing the effectiveness of the QMS and assessing opportunities for its continual improvement
  • Seeking feedback from our customers throughout the process


Health and Safety Policy

It is our aim that all operations are executed in such a way as to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of all employees and all persons who may be affected by our operations.

Our policy is to:

  • Comply with all relevant legislation for our employees and in respect of design of our buildings
  • Provide high quality services to our clients
  • Seek to be proactive in the continual improvement in our safety awareness and performance
  • Continue to make health and safety an integral part of our business

This will be achieved by:

  • Maintaining and operate a system aligned with BS ISO 9001:2000
  • Setting goals, action plans and training for continual improvement in our safety performance by those employed
  • Monitoring and communicating with staff